12 Jan 2024
I had a dehydrated porridge for breakfast and some tea and waded around in the river a little bit. I also spent some time making field recordings. I was using my sleeping pad to sit on instead of directly on the ground earlier this morning, and it seems something on the ground pierced it. So I had to break out the repair kit to fix it. It was probably a bit silly of me to do that really but I guess I fucked around and found out.I am really getting some good use out of my repair kit, first aid kit, and tools on this trip.
I was really roasting today though, it got to 40 degrees. I spent 3 hours at the pub in the late afternoon and had dinner there to escape the heat. It wasn’t as restful as I would have liked. When it was time to go to sleep, it was too hot to sleep so I was still up at around midnight. And then a lot of things happened to put me in high anxiety mode. The main things are that I heard lots of gunshots again, which I thought were trees falling because it was the middle of the night. And I was very concerned at the amount of trees supposedly falling. I went to talk to the other group at the campsite since they'd said earlier I could hang out if I had trouble sleeping because of the heat. They told me they were gas guns or something to scare birds that are set to go off at regular intervals, not trees. I had never heard of that before so that's helpful to know. But I got chatting to them and one of them was a bit flirty and I was a bit uncomfortable about the situation so I didn't want to go back to sleep since I felt like I needed to stay on guard around these men. So I pulled an all-nighter for the first time in my life tonight! Which is absolutely not ideal.